Here it is! And just so you know, you won the kill Icy contest. Well here's the long awaited (Yea am I really that popular?) MST of Poketreck Episode V! And congrats to the winner of the kill Icy contest Shadow! Damn what a coincidence. And finally, I gave my MSTs a title. (You should know the cast by now, no use typin' it up again.) Pokefucked: The official MST of Poketrek! Episode V Ash: What the hell are we doing here? Lunar Knight: Welcome, I had to bring you here when I came to NC because the labyrinth is underground and we couldn't just have you flooded out and drown now could we? Luna: Where's Icy? Lunar Knight: Um.....well........ I kinda locked him in the closet to drown and die before we left. Luna: Oh, ok then. Icy: Hey you guys gotta be more careful, someone accidentally locked the closet while I was in it. Lunar Knight: Sure....... Anyway, we got another Poketrek to work on so let's go! ::Egg timer dings:: Alex: Ummmmmm..... Where are we gonna to see this, anyway. Lunar Knight: Oh yea.... Um........ ~ PokŽmon: The Next Pikachu! Last time, Pikachu was captured by Team Rocket, and Ash, Bob, and Abra went to rescue them, which resulted in a nuclear explosion. Ash fucked a Kangaskhan for the first time, and it turns out Bob has a spare nuke in his closet. I'm going to try to write a semi-serious story this time, plus all the sex and bad language of all the previous episodes! ~ Lunar Knight: Damn it! Who the hell is that? (Person at the door): Nukes for sale! Lunar Knight: It's Bob, now it's time to get even... Bob: Hello would you like to buy a nu............... HOLY SHIT ON A STICK! IT'S YOU! Lunar Knight: Oh no you don't, you nuke thief, not this time. Lunar Knight: What kind of world is it when you can't even keep your nukes from being stolen. Icy: What about the ones he sold already. Lunar Knight: That's easy. ::Pushes some buttons on a detonator:: Elsewhere Evan: Buy my lemons? Sky Render: Oh no you don't. ::Jumps in his boat and starts chasing Evan around:: Evan: Hey, I was just joking, ok? Sky Render: Too late to apologize. Evan: Whoa, looks like I'm saved. ~ Episode V: Love at First Sight PokŽdate: 30620.19 Location: PokŽstation 309 The Scene: The Bridge (Charmander is alone on the bridge, watching over the ship's operations. Everyone else is on the station.) Charmander: (heavy sigh) Damn, I wish someone else could do this fucking job... Computer Console: Three pokŽmon and two humans requesting permission to board. Charmander: Purpose for boarding? Computer Console: Humans requesting passage to Malona IV. One Goldeen requesting transfer from the U.P.S. Gengar, one Hitmonlee scheduled to upgrade and make repairs on the main computer, and one female Flareon. Charmander: Purpose? Computer Console: Unknown. Charmander: Hmm. Maybe I'd better go figure out what she wants. The Scene: The Loading/Unloading Zone Computer Voice: The red zone is for the loading and unloading of cargo only. The blue zone is for the loading and unloading of passengers only. The plaid zone is for the fucking and ass-fucking of pokŽmon only. ~ Ash: PLEASE TELL ME THERE'S A PLAID ZONE AROUND HERE! Pikachu: Pika Pi Pi Pika Pika chu chu chu Pika. (Don't even think about touching me asswipe!) Lunar Knight: Um yea, first door on the left. Ash: Hey, this room is white, and there's only a male Magmar in here. Lunar Knight : The white zone is for the fucking and ass-fucking of Ash only. Ash: Hellllllpppppppp Meeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! ~ (there are two humans carrying luggage onto the ship, one Hitmonlee that isn't wearing any gloves tinkering with the computer, a Goldeen being carried onto the ship by another human in a glass tank, and a Flareon standing around, looking lost. Pikachu is, of course, in the plaid zone, getting laid.) Charmander: Can I help you? Flareon: Yes, I'm supposed to meet someone here. Charmander: Name? Flareon: Flareon. ~ Jimmy: I never would have guessed. ~ Charmander: No, the name of the person you're meeting. Flareon: Oh, the crew manifest said to look for a human named Bob. Charmander: I'm sorry, lieutenant Bob has taken residence on the station until the Rapidash leaves. ~ Lunar Knight: I thought he was in the hospital. Shadow: What do you have against Bob? Lunar Knight: He stole my nukes. Shadow: And why do you say that? Lunar Knight: Because he did! Shadow: Are you sure? I heard Hyu Strider framed him. Lunar Knight: it all makes sense! Shadow: How so? Lunar Knight: I dunno, I just had to say something like that to move the plot along. Shadow: Plot!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, your MSTs have a plot!? HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA Lunar Knight: Just keep an eye on everyone for a while. Icy: Well, now that he's gone, I'm gonna check some porn on the net. ~ Flareon: Well, then, could you be his replacement? Charmander: Excuse me? Flareon: He said he would show me around the ship. I hope I'm not going to be stood up. Charmander: Well, I'm sorry, but I have duties to attend to, and... (hesitates) On second thought, I'd be glad to show you around. This ship practically runs itself, anyway. Flareon: Great! The Scene: The Infirmary on the station (Abra is unconcious on one of the beds and Misty and Dr. Applby are hovering over him) Misty: Is he all right? Dr. Appbly: I'm not sure. You sure he's never been asleep for this long? Misty: Positive. Dr. Applby: How long _has_ he been asleep? Misty: About six days. Dr. Applby: WHAT?! HE'S BEEN ASLEEP FOR SIX FUCKING DAYS, AND YOU DIDN'T COME TO ME SOONER?!?!?!? Misty: Well, he fell asleep after that party six days ago. I just thought he was sleeping off all that booze. Dr. Applby: He *did* drink a lot, didn't he? I watched him down about two times his total body mass, which would be damn near impossible for anybody else. Misty: So is he just sleeping it off? Dr. Applby: If he is, he should've done it already. Ash: Don't you know what's wrong with him? Dr. Applby: Sorry, I didn't study much on Abras, but I do know he's still alive, so we can stop worrying, at least for now. Misty: Ash, can I talk to you in private? Ash: Yeah, sure. (they walk out into the hallway) Misty: Ash...(grabs his jacket) I CAN'T FUCKING LOSE HIM!!! HE'S LIKE THE ONLY FRIEND I HAVE HERE!!! Ash: Misty, what about me? Misty: Please, we haven't even talked since we got here. Brock has been more entertaining than you. Ash: Where the hell is Brock, anyway? Misty: I don't know, I lost track of him at the party. The Scene: Somewhere on the station Brock: Where the fuck am I? Some guy: You're in the food court. Brock: How did I get here? Some guy: How the fuck should I know? Hey, wait a minute, are you Brock? Brock: Yeah, how'd you know that? Some guy: There was a message for you from some guy named Bob. He wanted to tell you that he was waiting for you in the McDonald's here. Brock: There's a McDonald's here? Some guy: Are you kidding? They've expanded into half the galaxy! Brock: The future's looking a lot like McNuggets... Some guy: Hell, Ronald McDonald is still alive and kicking! Brock: Scary... The Scene: McDonald's (there's a lot of people milling about, some standing in line, some sitting in tables, and some eating the food. ~ Jimmy>: Damn, they're eating it!? That's disgusting! ~ Others are throwing it. Bob is in a corner, beating up Ronald McDonald.) ~ Luna: Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? Jimmy: Yea, Bob is such a hero. ~ Brock: Hey, Bob! Bob: (looks up) Brock, finally! Come on over! (kicks Ronald in the balls, ~ Shadow: Ronald has balls! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I must have been drunk when I wrote that! ~ then sits at a table) You know, the only good thing about this place is that you can beat the shit out of that damn clown. So, how have you been? Brock: You want to know how I've been? Bob: Sure, why not? Brock: Well, this *is* the first time we've talked since you came on board...well, really talked. Bob: Yeah, that party really was a blast, wasn't it? Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I've noticed you aren't too happy here... You aren't getting laid at all, you can't help in the operation of the ship, and you've really been depressed since you got here. Brock: Well, back in the past, I was a pokŽmon, there's nothing for me to do...Not only that, I've seen just about ten humans in all the time I've spent here, and only three of them have been girls. I like being in the future, but I liked being Earth a lot better. Bob: That's what I figured. If you want, I can send you back to Earth. Brock: Really? Bob: There's one catch, though. Your friends might not want to join you, so you'll be all alone. You won't have to worry about money, or food, but you won't know anyone...You could probably arrange to see if you still have any living relatives, and maybe you can stay with them. Brock: Yeah, but I probably won't see my friends again, huh? Bob: Unless the Rapidash goes back to Earth, no. So, you see, it's a pretty big decision. Brock: Yeah... Bob: Listen, you go think about it. I'll be here for another couple hours, then I'm going back to the Rapidash. Brock: Okay... (Brock leaves, and Bob goes back to beating up Ronald) The Scene: Outside the food court (Brock walks out of McDonald's, and almost bumps into...Evan!!!) Brock: Oh, sorry! Evan: Buy my lemons? Brock: Huh? No thanks, not right now. Evan: (throwing lemons, screaming) BUY MY LEMONS! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! (Brock runs away screaming, and suddenly, who should appear,! Yes, that's right, I'm going to special-guest-star in my own lemon!) Shadow: Okay, Evan, that's enough, you can't keep throwing lemons around. Evan: Buy my lemons? Shadow: What?! No! Look, I'll write a nice lemon about you and Misty, and you can fuck her. Would that be all right? Evan: Buy my lemons? Shadow: I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING LEMONS!!! Evan: (throwing lemons, screaming) BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! BUY THEM! (I run away screaming, and we now return to our regularly scheduled lemon! As for the lemon with Evan and Misty, I'm working on it.) The Scene: The Rapidash, about an hour later Charmander: Well, you've seen all there is that's worth seeing. Do you want to go back to the station, now? Flareon: Hey, wait, what about your quarters? Charmander: Huh? My quarters? Why would you want to see that? Flareon: You've told me just about everything about you, but I still don't know how you live. You can tell a lot about a person by how he keeps his quarters. Charmander: (hesitates) Well... (hesitates no more!) Okay. Flareon: Great, let's go! The Scene: Charmander's quarters Charmander: Well? Flareon: Well what? Charmander: You said you can tell a lot about a person by how he keeps his, what have you discovered about me? Flareon: Hmm...(looks around) You're not a neat-freak, but you believe everything has its place. You're obsessed with your job, but only because you have nothing else...or no one else... Charmander: Hmph. Lucky guess. Flareon: Was there someone else? Charmander: Yeah, a Growlithe...but it didn't work out...too much bark. (super-lame joke, I apologize) Flareon: Hmm. Maybe you should meet someone else. You can't just do your job all the time. Charmander: Why not? Flareon: Well, I knew a pokŽmon that kept his mind on his job all the time... Charmander: And? Flareon: All work and no play makes for a very dull pokŽmon. Charmander: I suppose, but there's nothing else for me to do here. Everybody else seems to have something to do...The captain has an hourly pussy fix, and those three humans from the past keep trying to fuck everything in sight. Flareon: And during all this time, you haven't even had a vulpix? Charmander: No, they're too dispassionate (unnecessary big word) for me. Flareon: Well, maybe you need a change of pace. (switching to narrative mode!) Before he could react, Flareon stepped forward and kissed him, then after a few moments, he returned the kiss. Their tongues entwined, and suddenly, Charmander felt something he hadn't felt for a long time... He glanced down and saw his red cock hardening. He sniffed the air and discovered that Flareon was starting to get wet... "Do you..." he started. "Yes." She rubbed against his chest, her soft fir caressing his scaly skin. She turned around, revealing her wet pussy, then motioned for him to mount her. He quickly obliged, thrusting his rock-hard cock into her burning cunt. It met with some resistance, but he wouldn't let that stop him, or her. Her cunt began to tighten around his cock, propelling him to pump faster and harder. She moaned with pleasure at every thrust, then suddenly, Charmander couldn't hold back, and blew his load deep into her cunt. She came half a second later, her pussy tightening even more around his cock. After a few minutes, their orgasms subsided, and they collapsed on the floor. (switching back to normal lemon-writing mode) The Scene: The Infirmary on the station (Dr. Applby keeps on checking Abra's vitals, and Misty paces around the room) Dr. Applby: Damn, what the hell is wrong with him? Misty: (screaming) COME ON, YOU LITTLE FUCKHEAD, WAKE UP!!! Abra: Okay. (super-stunned silence, now with retsin!) ~ Jimmy: Mmmm...... retsin. Alex: Mmmmm......... tits. Luna: Damnit Alex, nobody said tits. Alex: Well you just did, so Mmmmmmm......... tits... Luna: Asshole ~ Ash: What the fuck?!??!?!? (Abra sits up on the table) Abra: Hey guys, what's going on? Misty: WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!!? Abra: Didn't I tell you? I took a couple of those No-Doz pills at the party, remember? How long have I been asleep? Dr. Applby: SIX FUCKING DAYS!!!! (to Misty) WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME ABOUT THIS?!?!?! I'VE BEEN WORRIED FUCKING SICK!!!! Misty: I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW, SO SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!! Ash: Why does everyone keep saying fuck in between each word? ~ Jimmy: Why Fucking not? Shadow: What the fuck is so fucking wrong with saying fuck between each fucking word? ** Damn when you read it that many times, it kinda looses it's meaning, doesn't it? ~ Misty and Doc Applby: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! Abra: Hey, doc, got any pictures? Dr. Applby: Yeah, sure, watch the tits while I examine you. (takes out a picture) ~ Alex: Did my favorite doctor say tits!? Ronald: Did somebody say McDonalds? Everyone: NO! ~ Abra: Cool! Now this is what I like to wake up to!!! The Scene: The Time-Portal Room, about ten minutes later Bob: So, have you decided? Brock: Yeah, I want to go back to the past, back to Earth. Bob: Okay...just step onto the platform. (Brock gets on the platform) Bob: Okay, here we go! (Lights flash, bells whistle, and Ash and Misty walk in) Misty: Wait a fucking minute, what the hell are you doing? Brock: (fading) I'm going back to the paaaaaaaaaaaast...... (Brock disappears, then Bob looks at the console and gets a worried look on his face) Bob: Oops. Ash: Oops?! What oops?!?!?! Bob: Well, I sent him back to the past, but not to where we picked him up from...actually, I sent him back to the party... Misty: Huh...well, he's probably dead by now... Ash: That's kind of grim, isn't it? Misty: IF I WANTED YOUR OPINION, ASH KETCHUM, I'D FUCKING ASK FOR IT!! ~ Jimmy: Did somebody say PMS? ~ Bob: Oh, well, he'll probably be back here in three, two, one... (Brock walks in, holding a Vulpix in one arm and an Eevee in the other) Ash: What the fuck? Brock: Hey guys, I just got back! And guess what, I GOT LAID!!!!!!!! ~ Ash: AHHHHH THIS MUST BE A FUCKING NIGHTMARE! FIRST I GET RAPED BY A FUCKING MAGMAR, NOW BROCK GETS LAID NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ~ Misty: Yeah, right, in what universe? Brock: At the party! There was some weird kid running around stealing Dr. Applby's pictures, and some girl with a sword chasing him. ~ Alex: ....................................... Luna: ....................................... ~ I don't really remember much else. Misty: Hey, what about your past self? Brock: Oh, I killed him. Ash, Misty, Bob: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Brock: Yeah, I tossed him out into space. Don't worry, I'm back, and I'm here to stay!!! Ash: (to Misty) That's what I'm worried about... Misty: (whispering) Great, now that he knows what it feels like, he'll keep on trying to fuck everything in sight... Bob: (also whispering) Doesn't he do that now? Misty: Oh, yeah, right. Well, at least he won't be leaving. Ash: (unenthusiastic) Terrific. More competition for me. Misty: Yeah, right, you can't even get fucked by anybody but your vulpix. Ash: WHEN I WANT YOUR OPINION, MISTY...(does anyone know her last name?) I'LL ASK FOR IT!!! ~ Jimmy: Misty Megabitch, it's French I think. ~ The End!!! On the next PokŽmon: The Next Pikachu! We travel nine days into the past and experience: Brock returns from the future! Alex and Luna from Lunar:TSS guest-star!! ~ Alex: ............................................. Luna: ............................................. ~ The Animaniacs return! THE TACO BELL DOG'S GHOST RETURNS FROM THE DEAD!!!!! (God help us all) ~ Luna: Yay! Alex & Jimmy: NOOOOOOOO!!!! ~ It's the party of the millennia on the next: PokŽmon: The Next Pikachu! The Master of Eternal Darkness, Shadow ~ Shadow: Well what'd you think of my lemon? Luna: It was Alex: Yea, and Jimmy: Needs more sex. Luna: You think everything needs more sex. Jimmy: So? In Sabrina's Gym. Lunar Knight: Open up Sabrina, I know Hyu Is in there! Lunar Knight: Asswipe, you stole my nukes! Hyu: It was Bob. Lunar Knight: You're just framing him! Hyu: O shit, you found out. Later Lunar Knight: Hey I'm back. Shadow: Found him? Lunar Knight: Yup. Hey, where's Icy? Shadow: Lookin' at porn. Lunar Knight: Damn who killed him? Shadow: Looks like he shot cum on the keyboard and got electrocuted. Lunar Knight: I'll get it ::Opens door:: OH SHIT! IT'S EVAN AND JUDGE JUDY! ~~~~~~~~ END of MST ~~~~~~~~ Ok, now for my thanks/apologies/stuff. First, I'm gonna thank anyone who reads these, even more thanks to those who tell me they like it. Next, apologies to Evan and Sky, who I used without permisson, but Hyu asked to be put in an MST so there he is. Finally, If you missed my post regarding my group fic/lemon and you wanna be in it just send the following info to . -Looks (Clothes n' shit) -Weapons and Armor (Yea, there's gonna be some fighting) -Magic (This is a yes or no question, but if you wanna get specific, go ahead) -Friends on AGNPH -People you don't like on AGNPH -Running gags, or famous sayings (that are yours) -Any info I should have for any lemon scenes involving you -Gender (I seriously don't wanna fuck this up, so even if it's obvious, give an answer) If you don't want to be in it, E-mail me that too, because if you don't tell me no, I assume you don't care.