Finally! Took me long enough to finish this thing. I worked overtime finishing it today, so somebody better appreciate how much hard work I've put into this thing, otherise, I'm gonna be pissed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Powers That Be Everyone in the street was completely silent. They had all been gathered from all across the countryside, brought together for a purpose known only to the two strangers circling each other in the street. "So..." Jerry started, "It's nice to see you again." "You too." Sean reached into his coat and pulled out a gun with a long barrel, then tossed it away. "I think we can do without these, right?" "Sure." Jerry pulled out his own gun, tossed it away, then both guns quickly disintegrated. "Now let's get this started." Sean turned to the growing crowd of civilians, passerby's that had stopped to see what all the excitement was about. "I suppose you're all wondering why you're here." There were general murmurs of agreement. "Well, all the trainers here were gathered to witness an event that will be remembered for...well, as long as we want you to remember. Everybody else, go away." He waved his arm, and everybody who wasn't a trainer, excluding Jenny and Joy, vanished. "Now that the rabble are gone, would you care to explain to these *humans* what they're doing here? The sooner they know, the sooner I can kill them." Sean grinned at him, then turned back to the gaping crowd. "You're here because Jerry here was sent to destroy Mew. You all know who she is, right? The genetically engineered pokŽmon secretly being constructed on Cinnabar island? Well, unfortunately, Mew was much stronger than he anticipated. Then..." He slowly circled Mewtwo, keeping one eye on him and one eye on Jerry. "You were born. You were the one thing no one ever expected. So, Jerry decided the only way to destroy her was to gain control over her son. You." He looked Mewtwo straight into his eyes, but there was nothing that even resembled the once-great intelligence in his dead eyes. "So...we find ourselves here today to fight. I gathered most of you to fight Mewtwo since you're all considered great pokŽmon trainers. I'm assuming Jerry brought whoever he brought here for good reason." "You brought the ones who will fight," Jerry said suddenly, "I brought the ones who will try for peace." "The officer and the nurse?" "And the scientists, yes." "Hmm. Fine. Then if there's nothing left to say, let's get this game started." "As you wish. Mewtwo?" Mewtwo turned to Sean with a dull hate in his eyes, then sent a massive wave of psychic energy at him, tearing up the street itself. Sean jumped out of the way just as the wave passed him, but Mewtwo shot out a clawed paw and slashed his face, leaving red furrows on his cheek. They healed almost immediately. Faster than they could see, Sean jumped up and spun around, about to land a powerful kick to the back of his head, but Mewtwo ducked, then used his tail to send Sean flying. Sean leapt up and tried to attack again, but Mewtwo sent another wave of energy at him, knocking him across the street and sending him crashing into the gym. Before the dust settled, Sean was back in the street, but not as eager to fight. Mewtwo was much stronger than he anticipated, but considering what Jerry might have up his sleeve, he had to bring one more player into the game. Sean knew he needed time, but he needed a plan to keep Jerry and especially Mewtwo occupied for a little while. He quickly moved into the middle of the street, blocking Mewtwo's advance. "Jerry. Come here." Mewtwo swung a massive clawed paw straight at his head, but it went right through him like he wasn't there. Jerry frowned, then decided to find out what he wanted. "Mewtwo, stop." He cautiously walked into the middle of the street and faced Sean. "What is it?" "You know, even if you manage to kill me, you'll still have to go through the world's army, not to mention its trainers." "True. What's your point?" "Fight them." He gestured at the crowd of trainers surrounding them. "They're considered the best outside of the Elite Four. If Mewtwo can survive against them, he can destroy the rest easily." "Adequate reasoning, but there's a motive behind it." "Of course, but can you guess what it is?" "No, but that doesn't matter. Rules?" The rules for the coming pokŽmon battle. Sean knew he had to keep him occupied without the possibility of raising suspicion. However, Mewtwo was certainly more powerful than he expected. Now under Jerry's control, how could the trainers defeat him? Unless he didn't play by the rules... "Free-for-all." "Unfair." "Not necessarily. If he defeats them all, no government in the world can stop him, correct?" Jerry thought about this for a moment, then figured it was the only true way to test Mewtwo's strength. "Acceptable." Sean smiled, but Jerry gave him a look that scared him. "But not under the terms you expected." He snapped his fingers, and a number of strange-looking pokŽmon appeared out of thin air. "My specimens!" Dr. Jonas watched in horror as the failed genetic experiments appeared in the street. He noticed an unusual glint in their eyes, similar to Mewtwo's eyes. "All these trainers against one pokŽmon is unfair," Jerry said matter-of-factly. "All of your champions against all of mine is most certainly a fair way of going about his little game." Sean was taken aback. He didn't expect this, but considering the rest of his plan, it didn't matter much. "Fine. Let the battle commence." He walked toward Ash, Misty and Brock, then walked right on past them. "Hey, where're you going?" Ash asked, very concerned. Sean stopped, then slowly turned around. "Look, you're going to have to fight those...things...if you want to get out of this. Jerry won't let anybody leave if he doesn't want them to. Don't worry, if your pokŽmon have been trained well, and you fight together, they won't stand a chance." He began walking again. "But where are you going?" Misty asked. Sean didn't stop, but he looked over his shoulder at her. "I'm going to find the one player in this game that has yet to make an entrance." With that, he vanished. "What do we do?" Misty glanced at the strange psychic pokŽmon that had, unfortunately, started moving towards them. Ash took out his pokŽballs and looked at the advancing monsters. "We fight." *** Deep inside the research lab on Cinnabar island, Sean walked through the colorless halls, looking for a specific door in the middle of a few hundred others. Then he saw it. A large steel door, stainless, shiny, and very much impossible to break down. He tried the knob and found it was unlocked, so he let himself in. "Mew?" Sean turned at the sudden sound, and came face-to-face with a glowing pokŽmon. "Mew? Is that you?" Suddenly, a flurry of information was sent directly into his brain, and at first, it was all nonsense, but after a few seconds, his mind reassembled the information into a form he could understand. After a little more sorting, the message was clear. "You've been waiting for me?" Another burst of information. "You know the situation?" "Then will you help?" "I know, the genetic encoding. I can't eliminate it, but I *can* suppress it, but only for a short time, so you're going to have to be fast." "Then let's do it." *** Back at Cerulean, the battle was going well. Only three of the mutant psychic pokŽmon remained, but Jerry and Mewtwo were virtually unscathed. "Sandshrew, Fissure Strike!" The small ground pokŽmon leapt into the air, then put a very small hole into the ground with its claw. Then everyone heard a loud rumbling, and the earth itself yawned open. The last three mutants were swallowed up, but Jerry and Mewtwo just floated above the hole, then landed next to it. "Is that all?" Jerry said, no longer amused. "Mewtwo?" Mewtwo turned to A.J. and his Sandshrew, then blasted them both down two streets. "Good. Now destroy the rest. Looks like Sean chickened out. Oh well." "I never chicken out," Sean said from far above him. Everyone that was left looked up and saw Sean falling out of the sky, along with a small, white pokŽmon. He landed silently, then set down the pokŽmon who just stood there, perfectly calm. "So...been waiting long?" Jerry sneered at Mew, glanced back at Mewtwo, then finally turned to Sean. "Not really. Just taking care of a few pieces of trash." Sean looked around to see who was left. Ash, Misty, and Brock looked extremely haggard, but they were still standing. Most of the gym trainers, except for Sabrina, were either unconcious, gone, or...dead. At least they looked like they were dead. Lt. Surge had a lot of injuries on him, and his Raichu was just about out of electricity. Mew observed the scene as well, but with much less emotion. She stared curiously at Jerry, who was beginning to emit energy, massive amounts. Then she saw Mewtwo. Mewtwo's head shot up at the sensation that entered his mind just then. It was like his brain was being washed clean, and he was seeing the world like it really was, instead of like how Jerry wanted him to see it. "Mother?" He noticed her standing there for the first time, and almost broke into tears. "Pathetic." Jerry looked at Mewtwo with utter disdain. "I have no more use for you." Suddenly, Mewtwo felt a throbbing pain in his head. The pain became more intense until he couldn't even see straight. The last thing he heard was Jerry's voice saying "Scratch one psychic pokŽmon." Everyone else's attention was focused squarely on Jerry. "Dear Sean, I can't believe you're still here." "Believe it. I was sent here to kill you, and that's just what I'll do." He pulled his dagger and waited for him to make a move. "The mighty Athame. Killer of demonkind. So, let me ask you this: What if you're not a real demon?" "Then it can still slit your throat." "Hmph. How droll. The demons gave me a most wonderful gift. Allow me to show it to you." Suddenly, his skin turned blood red, then expanded, bursting with pure muscle. Then he started to grow. Six feet, seven, eight, then from behind him, a thick tail grew out of the small of his back, the tip comprised entirely of a silverish blade. His clothes didn't rip apart, but instead melted into his ever-growing form. His human face turned red, then an extra two rows of teeth popped out into his mouth, and his eyes turned an even deeper shade of red. Finally, he stopped growing at ten feet tall, then a pair of extremely sharp horns sprouted from the top of his head. Sean took a step backward, then summed up his courage and stepped in to fight. "You're in over your head, Sean." Jerry's voice was perfect for his current body. A deep snarling voice that frightened all those who heard it. Mew looked at the huge monster with what could only be described as pure curiosity. He radiated power, but he didn't know how to use it. It was a very interesting paradox. Sean watched Jerry carefully, trying to calculate his first move. He held the dagger in front of him like it was the only thing between him and total destruction. "Bulbasaur, vine whip!" Jerry turned to see two long vines coming toward him, trying to bind him. He quickly spun around and cut through the vines with the blade on his tail. Sean turned too, but then he took the moment of distraction Ash had bought him and attacked. He aimed the Athame straight for his heart, but Jerry saw him at the last second and sent him flying with a backhanded punch. Mew watched as Sean flew down three streets and crashed into the pokŽmon center. A few seconds after the crash, she heard a very faint voice say a single word. "Ouch." "Now..." Jerry turned to the nearly-unconcious Mewtwo. "You've out-lived your usefulness." He delivered a powerful kick to his head, sending him rolling down the street in pain. "Mew?" Jerry quickly spun to face the small pokŽmon, and was about to attack, then remembered what would happen if he did. "Hmph. I'm not that stupid." "Haaaahh!!!!!" Before he knew what was going on, Sean zoomed at the red giant, his dagger gleaming in the sunlight. He took a swipe at him, then the two started fighting while Mew watched, waiting for any excuse to kill something. Mewtwo, on the other hand, was just getting up from a very painful headache. Through bleary eyes he watched an out-of-focus red form swinging at a human with a, a dagger. An Athame. A number of thoughts ran through his head as his mind tried to rearrange itself so everything made sense again. Who was he? Mewtwo. Where was he? Cerulean City. Who was the red figure? Jerry. What was he? Unknown. Who was the human? Sean. What was he doing here? Unknown. Why were they fighting? Unknown. Who was the small, glowing pokŽmon standing near them? Mew. His mother. Then it all came rushing back to him. What he was doing here, who those two fighting were, why they were fighting, and why Mew was just standing there. Jerry. He was the cause of all this. "Hahh! Take this!" Sean had managed to create a stalemate between him and Jerry. The demon wasn't about to get anywhere near the Athame, and Sean couldn't get close enough to attack. Mewtwo decided to make his own attack. He concentrated his mind and gathered a massive amount of energy, enough to turn a human into dust. "" Sean heard the voice, but he had a hard time believing it's source at first. Then he saw Mewtwo glaring at Jerry and decided to get out of the way. Jerry watched Sean move a safe distance from him, wondering why he was running. Then he remembered the one thing he hadn't counted on. Mewtwo. He quickly spun around to kill him, but he was too late. "Goodbye, Jerry." Mewtwo let loose a wave of psychic energy, then watched as it smashed into Jerry, lifting him into the air and backward to Sean. Just before the two collided, Sean spun around and hit Jerry with a spinning kick, sending him crashing into a building on the right side of the street, then took aim and threw the Athame at his chest, hitting just below the heart. Sean knew that now would be as good a time as any. "Mew, now!!!" He opened his hand, revealing a blue-white sphere of energy, then tossed it at Mew. It was silently absorbed into her body, then the tiny pokŽmon felt every single urge to kill rise eagerly to the surface, a million ways to exterminate life being released after their long imprisonment. "Ooohhhhh....." Jerry was seeing, triple. The blast from Mewtwo combined with Sean's kick to his head had stunned him, but nothing more. And there was a strange burning sensation in his chest. And a headache. All he had to do now was to kill them all. Then he saw Mew...and the sphere of energy above her head. " bitc..." He never got a chance to finish his sentence. Mew fired the energy straight at him, and he didn't have the strength to avoid it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" The energy surrounded him, encasing him in a white sphere. Lightning bolts burst from the sphere, hitting him and charring his red hide. The bolts hit outside too, smashing buildings and almost hitting Sean. Sean watched in amazement as Jerry writhed in pain from the bolts of energy, then breathed a sigh of relief when the energy disappeared and Jerry collapsed to the street. He was more than a little afraid Mew was going to do the same thing to Jerry that she did to the Rhyhorn in the video. He saw the same thing Jerry did, and it scared him that one pokŽmon had that much power. He heard a low growling noise, and at first he thought it was coming from Jerry, but then he turned and saw Mew preparing for another attack. "Mew, don't!!!" "Mother?" Another energy sphere formed, but Sean recognized it as the one she used on the Rhyhorn. She didn't even have to throw it. It exploded into a perfect sphere, covering more than three streets. For a few seconds, all Sean, Mewtwo, Ash, Misty, and Brock saw was perfect white, then it was gone. The energy, as well as the city. Everything the energy touched was gone, except for the ground, the trainers, Mew, and Jerry. He was still laying against the side of the building, now back in human form. Sean looked in wonder at the nothingness that was created in just a few seconds. "Now that's something you don't see every day." Sean turned and saw Ash, Misty, and Brock gazing at Mew and Jerry respectively. "Look, you guys better get going. You don't want to be around when the authorities get here." "But that means Jenny's going to be here!" Brock said eagerly. "Just shut up and get on the bike," Misty said in half-wonder and half-anger. "Thanks, Sean. It's been fun." There was something about him that wasn't normal, but she liked that. "You're welcome. Good luck, Ash, and be sure to fight as well as you did today." "Right." They all got on the bikes and rode away, not daring to look back at the destruction behind them. Sean watched them ride off, knowing they'd still be in danger. Then again, they weren't his concern anymore. He turned to the last few issues at hand. Jerry. He walked over to his prone form, pulled the Athame out of his chest, then stabbed him again, this time directly in the heart. He groaned in pain, then his body disintegrated, leaving only a skeleton. "Hmm. I guess you're not a full demon." Only a few more things to take care of. "Mew." The tiny pokŽmon was, once again, perfectly calm and passive, showing no remnants of the ferociousness of before. "You know where to go?" "What are you talking about?" Mewtwo asked. Sean kept his eyes on Mew. "I just gave your mother the directions to a safehouse you can stay at for a while. No one knows about it, and no one will bother you there." With that, she vanished, leaving Sean alone with Mewtwo. "So..." Sean started, "How've you been?" Mewtwo looked at him curiously. "Why did you help me?" "Two reasons. One, I don't like Jerry." "Excuse me?" "For the love of family, Mewtwo. I never had a family of my own, and I know how much humans value their family. I figured, with your intelligence, you'd have the same values. Besides, I needed to see just how strong Mew really was." "But..." Before he could say anything else, Mew returned, then took her son's hand and they both vanished. "Well. That's everything." Then he noticed all the unconcious gym leaders lying on the ground. "Oh well, they can take care of themselves." *** In the forests west of Cerulean City, Sean walked into a clearing, then spied a girl, about his age, sitting on a rock, playing with a Rattata. She made eye contact with Sean, then the Rattata ran away. "So, you're done?" she asked. "Yeah, Jerry's dead, and now we have proof he's been dealing with the Underworld, so I'm guessing we've accomplished all our mission objectives." "Yep. Let's get outta here." A fold in space appeared in front of them, then they both walked into it, space returned to normal, and they were gone. A few hundred feet above the clearing, a lone figure in black clothing watched as the two disappeared. He reached into his coat and pulled out a cell phone and punched in some numbers. "Hello? Yeah, they're gone." "No, don't worry, I'll get the job done." "Right." "Bye." He replaced the phone in his coat, then vanished in a flash of light. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it, this fanfic is FINISHED!!! For those of you in AGFFH, I've written a follow-up story to this fanfic, so if you want it posted, let me know. For everybody in AGNPH, you've already read the first part, and I'll be done with the second part.....sometime. Maybe soon, but I'm not making any promises. The Master of Eternal Darkness, Shadow