The Voice of Darkness

"How do I know you are telling the truth?" Mewtwo asked suspiciously.

"Look at me, Mewtwo," he said with a tone of obviousness. "I'm
floating a thousand feet in the air. You would think someone with your
intelligence would realize that fact. If I can do this, why not do
what I am offering?"

"Fine. Let's assume for a moment that you are telling the truth...that
you can rescue my mother."

"I never said that. I only said I would bring you to your mother."

"Then we have no business together." Time began moving faster, and the
man began to fade.

"Mewtwo, listen to me. I can bring you to your mother, and with your
power, you can escape. However, you must agree."

Mewtwo thought about it for a second, but only for a second. He had no
time, and the man was almost gone.

"I agree."

"Good." He grabbed Mewtwo's arm, then the surrounding area began
moving, blurring together in one giant jumble of color. Then it all
began straightening out, but they were now in front of the research
facility. Luckily, no one was in the area, so no one saw them.

"Very impressive," Mewtwo stated, "But many pokémon have that ability."

"Yes, but can they do this?" He walked over to the entrance, tried the
door and found it locked. He glanced over his shoulder at Mewtwo,
grinned, then with obvious ease, wrenched the metal door from its
hinges and tossed it into the street.

"Who are you?"

His grin was wider than ever. "You can call me Jerry."


"It's as good a name as any." He gestured toward the entrance.
"Shall we go?"

They walked into the building and into the reception area, which made
the secretary's eyebrows rise more than a little. She quickly moved to
press a button under her desk, but Jerry ran over to her faster than
she could see and twisted her arm, breaking it with a sickening crack.
He put his hand on her face, and she immediately dropped her head to
her desk and began snoring.

"Let's proceed, shall we?"

They began walking through the halls, and, seemingly at random, Jerry
would open a door and lead Mewtwo even deeper into the building.

"So, let's talk pokémon," Jerry said cheerfully.

"Let's not."

"Trust me, you'll want to hear what I have to say." He pulled another
door off its hinges and kept walking. "Now, your mother was created to
be the perfect pokémon, correct?"


"Yes, of course, why else would the committee throw millions of dollars
into a seemingly worthless project? Did you know that the scientists
here never planned to make any money off of your mother, which was an
accompishment in itself. Most scientists will create something, then
later market it for a profit, correct?"

"I suppose."

"Now, the scientist who parolled the committee for the grant was Dr.
Jonas. You probably knew that the moment you probed his mind. He
was sick and tired of pokémon being exploited as weapons for humans.
He wanted a pokémon that would never fight unless it was to defend
itself. That in itself was fairly amazing."

They came to a large room which was, not to their surprise, filled with
soldiers waiting for them. They all had automatic weapons pointed at
Mewtwo's head. They took one look at Jerry and half of them turned
their weapons on him.

"How pitiful."

Then they fired. For exactly half a second, all Mewtwo heard was the
sound of weapons firing. Then it all stopped. The bullets slowed in
mid-air, then stopped completely, inches from penetrating Mewtwo's
head. Jerry smiled, then plucked a bullet out of the air, and turned
it around so it faced one of the soldiers. He did the same for the
rest of the bullets, then time abruptly started again. Every single
bullet hit the man who originally fired it. Mewtwo began to wonder if
this alliance was worth this violence...

"Now..." Jerry started, "Your mother is the perfect specimen of passive
aggression. She is physically incapable of fighting."

"What do you mean?"

"The scientists who created your mother tampered with her DNA,
eliminating any indepentent violent tendencies. If attacked, she will
defend herself, but she can never attack by her own will."

They arrived at a door marked 'Records Room.' Jerry tried the handle,
found it locked, then pulled the door off its hinges and threw it away.
There were two men inside, each one carrying batons. They immediately
charged Jerry, who promptly broke their arms and rendered them
unconcious. Mewtwo walked in and took a look around. The room had a
rack of videotapes on the far wall, and a massive video center taking
up the entire northern wall.

"Now, let's see here..." Jerry walked across the room and began
picking through the rack of videos, stopping on one labeled '17/4,'
then placed it into one of the machines. A large screen in the center
of the machine flashed with a picture of a grassy area bordering on a
large forest. It looked like an area around Pallet Town, but Mewtwo
couldn't be sure. In the middle of the grassy area was a pokémon, only
a little more than two feet tall, covered in white fir with a long,
thin tail. It seemed to glow with a light from within.

"Is that..."

Jerry looked at him and smiled. "Yes, it's your mother...Mew."

Mewtwo watched the screen, totally engrossed in what was happening.
The two scientists each threw a pokéball, and a Charizard and a
Blastoise appeared, then proceeded to attack Mew. First, they tried
threatening her by snapping and growling at her, but she just looked at
them, totally unconcerned. The Charizard attacked first, breathing a
powerful stream of flames at the tiny pokémon. The blast came within
ten feet of her, then it stopped. It looked like it was being
deflected by some kind of barrier, and by looking closely, Mewtwo could
see that indeed, his mother had raised a very powerful force field
around her. The Blastoise stepped in and fired a blast of water at her
in the exact same spot as the Charizard, but even their combined powers
didn't even make a dent in Mew's concentration. They certainly tried
hard, and increased the power of their attacks till it seemed
impossible for anything to be blocking them.

Finally, the two scientists called them back, then one of the
scientists threw another pokéball. A Rhyhorn popped out, a very strong
one, by the look of it. It immediately charged at Mew, causing the
ground, and even the camera to shake. By the time it was ten yards
away, Mew had formed a small sphere of energy, and when the Rhyhorn was
two feet away, she threw it at him, sending him flying. The energy
sphere actually carried the huge pokémon across the field, sending it
crashing into the tree. Once the Rhyhorn landed on the ground, the
energy sphere exploded. The energy expanded in a spherical pattern,
covering everything within a hundred yards and rising over twenty feet
into the air. The energy stopped exactly two inches from one of the
scientist's right arm. The energy dissipated after only a few seconds,
and what was left...was nothing. The trees, the grass, all of it was
gone. Not even a skeleton of the Rhyhorn remained. The only thing
there was a crater over twenty feet deep. Mewtwo took in the scene for
a few seconds, then the screen went black.

"That is the only recorded instance of Mew *ever* using her powers."
He took the tape out of the machine and put it back on the shelf.
"Anything you can do, she can do with a thousand times more power.
That is why they fear you. They don't know that you're actually the
weaker pokémon." He walked out of the room, and Mewtwo followed.
"She may be stronger than you, but since she can't attack anything,
she's essentially helpless. That's why you were born."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hold on." They came to a corner just as a guard was walking down the
hallway. He took one look at Jerry and fired a single shot at his
head. Jerry just smiled, then at the last second, his arm shot up and
he caught the bullet between his index and middle finger.

"Could you take care of that?" He gestured toward the stunned guard
at the end of the hallway. He walked down the corridor, not waiting
for Mewtwo.

Mewtwo just snarled at the guard, making him run away in fear for his
life, then he ran to catch up with Jerry.

"After that incident you saw on the tape, the scientists returned to
more conventional methods of testing: scanning, blood samples, that
sort of thing. However, your mother didn't want anything to do with
the tests. Not only that, but she was lonely. The scientists were
not nearly intelligent enough to understand Mew's mental communications,
so she made a decision. She gathered a good deal of energy, then
created you."

"She...created me?"

"Yes, in a manner of speaking. Technically, she impregnated herself
with energy, and you were the result. After six weeks, you were born.
Now, first of all, you were separated from your mother. Do you
know why?"

"No, I've yet to discover that..."

"Yes, of course, because the scientists don't even like to think about
what happened. It might make you...agitated."

"What happened?" Mewtwo was becoming increasingly angry with Jerry.
He could sense that the man was being less than forthcoming with him.

"You kicked a doctor in the head." Mewtwo was slightly stunned at this
news. He had no memory of this, so at first he thought Jerry was
lying. "Now, every newborn will kick, correct?"


"Of course. You also kicked, however, you had the strength of ten men,
and you kicked that particular doctor directly in his right temple,
which put him into a coma for the next three weeks. Don't be too hard
on yourself, though. At the time, you didn't have the intelligence and
sophistication you have now."

"And that is supposed to console me?"

"No, not really. Anyway, after a few days, Dr. Jonas wanted to bring
you back to your mother, because he wanted to see how a unique species
like Mew would go about being a mother. However, something happened
between you and your mother that warranted you two to be separated

"How do you know all this? Were you on the project?"

"No, but I know everything about the project. Now, I can't exactly
tell you what happened when Dr. Jonas brought you back to your mother,
but I can tell you that your breaking out was no accident."

"Is that so?" he said with slight irritation.

"Yeah. See, when you kicked that doctor, your mother knew that the
passive disposition that had been established on her hadn't affected
you. Therefore, she began sending you violent impulses, the very same
impulses she had felt, but not had the ability to carry out. That's
why you became continuously enraged over time. She knew that once you
were free, you would come back for her, then you two could be together,
and all that good stuff.

Mewtwo kept running all this information through his head. At first,
it seemed like his mother was just using him as a way to be free, but
then he realized that she was, indeed, alone. He knew exactly what it
was like to be alone, and because of that, he could understand
everything she had done.

Finally, they came to a very large, solid steel door, at least five
inches thick. The only thing on the door was a steel handle.

"Are you ready for this?" Jerry grinned, then proceeded to walk
_through_ the door like a ghost.

Mewtwo tried the handle, and found that it was unlocked. "Show-off."

He had expected something like the enclosure he had been placed in, but
this was completely different. It was like an operating room,
completely clean of any dirt and germs. There was a lot of examining
equipment stacked against one wall, and in the middle of the room was
an operating table with a small, white pokémon staring at them.


The tiny creature looked at him with hope and fear in her eyes, then
spoke a single word. "Mew?"

"She wasn't created with the gift of speech like you were," Jerry said,
"She communicates only through her mind. Now, you remember what I said
about what happened when Dr. Jonas placed you back with your mother?"


"Well, I can't let that happen again, so..."

Before Mewtwo could react, Jerry brought his fist back and punched
Mew's chest, and to Mewtwo's horror, his fist went right through! He
pulled his hand out, covered in blood, and holding his mother's heart.

"What have you done?!" Mewtwo said with barely controllable anger.

Jerry just smiled. "I've killed her." He glanced down to his hand.
"Listen. It's still beating."

Ka-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. His vision began to blur. Mewtwo
heard his mother emit a pitiful whimper...

Ka-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. Ka-thump. The heartbeats
increased in intensity. Mew collapsed on the table, covered in blood.
Mewtwo's anger finally rose to its breaking point.

"I'll KILL YOU!!!"

"For what?" Jerry asked, puzzled.

"What are you talking about?!?! You killed my mother!"

"But she's not dead. Look."

He glanced at the table and saw his mother...completely intact, sitting
up on the table, looking at him curiously.

"But...I thought..."

"You thought I ripped her heart out."

Ka-thump, Ka-thump, Ka-thump. The heartbeats returned, louder this
time. "I didn't kill her, but I *will* kill you!"

In an instant, Jerry pulled a dagger from behind him and thrust it
into Mewtwo's chest, piercing his heart.

Ka-thump, Ka-thump, Ka-thump. Mewtwo pulled out the dagger, then put a
hand to the hole. When he pulled it away, it was covered in blood.

"Now, who do you think was responsible for this?"

"Wha...what? It was you..." Mewtwo was starting to feel
faint. All the words began to blur together...

"No, it was the humans. The humans kept your mother as a prisoner,
they separated you two, they tried to kill you numerous times, and they
just now succeeded!"

Ka-thump, Ka-thump, Ka-thump. "No...what...mother..."

The room started to spin, then everything went black, and then...

Mewtwo woke with a start, covered in sweat. It was a just
had to be...the stab wound in his chest was well as the blood
on his it must have been a dream... But what was he doing
in the middle of nowhere?

He stood up and took a look around. He was in the area around Pallet
Town, somewhere near the area he had seen on the tape. He looked
around for Jerry, or any other human, but all there was was a few small
pokémon not worth his notice.

Then he heard it. Ka-thump, Ka-thump, Ka-thump. He tried to cover his
ears to block out the sound, but the heartbeats seemed to invade his
mind. They began to grow louder, and in between beats, Mewtwo began to
make out voices...

KA-THUMP, KA-THUMP, KA-THUMP! "Kill all humans...kill...kill...kill
them all...destroy all humans...destroy...kill...kill all humans..."

KA-THUMP, KA-THUMP, KA-THUMP! "Kill, kill, kill, destroy...kill all
humans...kill, destroy...destroy them all...kill...kill...


"Kill them all...kill...destroy...kill all humans...destroy them all...
kill...kill...kill them all..." The voices reached a cresendo, then
it seemed like his brain would explode.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!" Mewtwo screamed so loud, everyone in Pallet heard
it. Then the voices stopped, and the heartbeats went away. But four
little words kept running through his mind...finally, he spoke them
out loud...his new mission in life...

"I'll kill them all!!!"

Mewtwo jumped into the air and flew away, a plan already starting to
form in his mind...but this plan was not his own. One hundred yards
south, almost in viewing range from Pallet, but not quite, floated
a single, human figure.

Jerry watched as Mewtwo flew away, and began realizing just how much
damage he could do...

"This ought to be interesting..." He vanished in a flash of light,
laughing a demonic laugh. Unbeknownst to him, someone was watching him
from the ground, with an interest that one might take in an insect.
One more minor problem......